Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thick Data Description

Because I'm not having much luck with the whole uploading of documents, I am going to try my best here with my description.

Currently, all I have are pre-assessment scores.  (We have had almost twenty snow days now and they've taken away most of our spring break- which is completely fine with me!).

If you look below, you will see the rubric that I am using for my scoring purposes.

Students that scored lowest in Ideas: 2 (N=20)
Students that scored lowest in Sentence Fluency: 14 (N=20)
Students that scored lowest in Organization: 8 (N=20)
Students that scored lowest in Word Choice: 19 (N=20)
Students that scored lowest in Voice: 4 (N=20)
Students that scored lowest in Conventions: 2 (N=20)

Please note here that when I say "lowest," this means that student scored a zero, 0.5 or 1 in that particular Trait category.  When I analyzed the rubric, those Traits stood out.  Most students had two overall Trait aspects they scored a 0, 0.5 or 1 within.  However, there were seven students that achieved this score in three or four Trait aspects.

Due to the sake of time, I will be focusing on the two lowest areas, as those are their areas of NEED.  These Trait scores are difficult to compare to the MAP Reading data and KPREP Language Arts scores because this measures something completely unrelated.  However, I am curious if there is a correlation.

Furthermore, I want to point out to you that I somewhat predicted Word Choice being one of the lowest scoring Traits simply because I know this is something my students need to work on.  When I introduced the students to the Traits, it was eerie because as I polled the kids, many of them identified their personal need right off the bat.

I am anxious to see where this goes.


PS- I am having a LOT of trouble posting documents and charts on here, so I will do my best to take care of that.  If anyone has tips, I would really appreciate it.

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