Thursday, February 27, 2014

More Updates

Coding has not been difficult for me, as my study has a great deal of quantitative data that I'm collecting, but, this could be because I'm carrying this out completely wrong. Can anyone give me some pointers in this area?
Here is an update on the Sentence Fluency kiddos.  You can see that some students are empty and that is solely because they are not sentence fluency birds!  The highest they could score was a 3 and 12 of those 14 kiddos scored at least a 2, but, again, this was NOT applying these Traits holistically into a piece of writing.  This was simply a task requiring them to write using the Trait mentioned.  Had I given them a task and not mentioned the specific Trait lessons, I'm unsure of how they would perform.  Hence why I will be more formally assessing them after every two or three lessons.


  1. I actually have the same thought as you with coding. Maybe this is because we are so familiar with our data through the blog process and grading student work, and reflecting on the quantitative data. Many of my data sources go together and produce some quantitative and qualitative data. I have the same fears as you do but I think we (hopefully) we are on the right track! Fingers crossed!

    1. Hannah,
      I agree with you. I am good about analyzing student work samples with rubrics, because this is always something that I've done. However, the coding is not. It's come quite easy though, as I am starting to see viable themes. What about you?


  2. I have attempted coding but it seemed so easy that I felt as if I was doing it wrong. Also, I am worried because the "themes" I am seeing are what I expected to see from the beginning. I am trying to not be biased but...

    1. Brittany,

      I am seeing themes already! Like, for instance, one of my questions asks students about what they feel good writing looks like. I cannot begin to tell you how many of them mentioned "grammar, spelling, handwriting, (conventional aspects)" rather than including this with the other good Traits of writing, such as having good, strong ideas or a sense of voice! However, I had a few that did mention those types of Traits. Are you not seeing any themes pop up?

  3. My theory is the older the students are the more difficult it is to code the data; simply because their vocabulary and thoughts are more diverse. That is totally my theory. I also think the more specific the question is the easier the responses are to code.
