Tuesday, March 11, 2014

This Week's Reflection

So far, it looks like we are going to go a full week!  This is the first full week I've had since November and I cannot contain my excitement!!
However, I'm still terrified about spring (more like summer) state testing.  It's absolutely mind blowing that my kids will be expected to demonstrate everything they know in a couple months.

I decided to do something a little different.  I wanted to give them a "mid-unit" assessment, so I allowed them to review the lessons we have already done (for sentence fluency: pumping up sentences, complex sentences, and prepositional phrases; for Word Choice: figurative language, onomatopoeia, and transitional words/phrases; and conventions: commas, capitalization, and APLUS editing) and then I asked them to apply those skills into a piece of writing.  Some chose to write nonsense stories (my kids really enjoy that) and some just simply chose to reflect on the week.

I am wanting to see some gains, but, again, that's being a little bias and hoping for the best.

Do you all think that's an odd thing to do?  I will score them with the same rubric that I scored the pre-assessments with, but only the Trait area that they're being instructed within will be reported...however, it will still be interesting to see if any areas have made gains.

What are your thoughts?



  1. I do think the mid-assessment is a good idea. I can totally understand why you would be curious to know where they stand. I do think however, that you must be careful to document any ways that the results from this impact your plans. For example, if you decide to reteach or maybe not review a specific part. I am anxious to hear how it goes, good luck!

    1. So, what are your thoughts on me moving on to the sixth grade book? The majority are improving.... should I stick with the fifth grade?

      You're wise! I feel like I don't know what I'm doing!

  2. I like the mid-assessment as well! Anytime you can analyze the growth of students, I feel, is great!

  3. Plan sounds good! Don't stress too much - my county missed the cutoff to delay state testing so we test in like 6 weeks!! This data should help end your research.

  4. Girls,

    I feel like you're sharing my stressors.

    Thanks for being there for me through this!
